The Pre-Op Goals

The Pre-Op Goals:

1.  Eat 3-4 meals per day.  No Snacking.

2.  Avoid all sugars, sweets, desserts, and sugared beverages.  Read food labels for 5 grams of sugar or less per serving.

3.  Avoid fried foods, limit fats added to foods, and avoid high fat fast foods.  Read food labels for about 3 grams of fat or less per serving.

4.  Eat protein-rich food at each meal.

5.  Take a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement daily.

6.  Sip liquids.  Drink 8 cups each day between meals.

7.  Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, black tea, coffee, and carbonated beverages.

8.  Eat meals slowly (approximately 30 minutes per meal).  Stop eating when you feel full.

9.  Take small bites.  Chew foods well.

10.  Avoid emotional/mindless eating.

11.  Exercise 3x a week.

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