Monday, September 7, 2015

Clothing and Weight Loss

I've been losing 10-15 lbs a month since surgery.  Usually right around 12 lbs.  It's great, part of me is jumping up and down at the thought that by the end of the year I will be less than 250 lbs.  But another small part, is still wondering why it isn't more.  Le Sigh.

I bought a shirt and a fall/early winter jacket for my last goal.  I forgot to say anything about it.  The shirt is a little snug about the hips though even though it is a 3x.  I was just telling my husband that I thought I would be getting to a 2x soon... and here a 3x is snug on me.  He said that between cost cutting and fashion being to show off a woman's body that sizes are a little smaller now than they used to be.  I would agree with that.  I have no interest in moo-moos so if I want something more fit to my body, I will have to stay with a larger size longer.  That is kind of disappointing.  But I guess that means I won't have to get rid of clothes as fast.

I pulled a box out of the closet labeled "My almost there clothes."  I labeled it that a couple years ago when I was on Weight Watcher's and managed to get close to 300 lbs.  I tried on almost everything in it over the weekend.  I skipped the panty hose.  All but two outfits fit me.  I am excited by that.  It means I've added 7 pants and about 10 shirts to my wardrobe.  Now, I don't have enough drawer space!  I went through my drawers and found only 3 shirts to get rid of.  In my closet I found, 6 pairs of pants and 2 skirts.  I might be able to get rid of some more shirts soon, both the fold and hang variety, but it is kind of hard to let them go.  I really like some of these shirts and I can't afford to replace them.

I keep thinking I need to make a trip to GoodWill.  Not so much for a bunch of new clothes since my own closet just provided that, but because I want to see if I can find a pair of jeans in a size 30.  I think I am probably getting close to going down a size.  I don't mind wearing my 32s until they are baggy like I did with the 36s, but I do want to know when I can successfully fit into a size 30.  It has been so long since I shopped for pants in a store, that I don't even know if they carry 30s.  It used to be that they only went up to 28s in the store.   I guess I will have to try Walmart.

Anyway, here are the shirt and jacket.

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