Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I've had dreams about hovering.  Ones where I desperately want to fly, but all I can manage is to hover.  Honestly, I should be happy with that, I mean, who can even hover off the ground?

Is this a metaphor for my life??  I want to reach my next goal of 195 lbs, yet all I can do is hover between 197-200 lbs.  I am happy that I am finally below 200 lbs, extremely so, but like most people, I want more.  I am doing things right except for an occasional splurge... hence why I briefly bump closer to 200 lbs, but I just can't seem to fall below 197 lbs.

I have a lot going on in life right now.  Maybe it is stress.  Yes, I can definitely say the past two months have had some stress in them.  Loved ones are dying, health issues abound, job status is changing, homework is a never ending battle, etc.  I saw someone young in a parking lot yesterday, walking along texting and smiling.  I thought to myself, I miss those easier younger days.  Then I thought, but wait, at the time those days didn't feel very easy.  Life has never been easy.   Life struggles change, but life is a struggle through and through.  I am surprised I am not having bonbons and Pepsi every day to cope.

That is a good thing though!  I am not using food to cope!  No stress eating!  I've never eaten a bonbon, and I haven't had soda pop in over two years. That is incredible when I think about how much of a Mt. Dew addict I was.

Things might not get easier, but I know I don't need food to help me through it.  Now, what to do to getting below 197 lbs...

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