Sunday, January 24, 2016

Challenge Accepted!

I have been challenged, kind of.

I made a poor food choice on Saturday.  My husband made fun of me.  He said he only teased me because he knew how depressed I would be when I next stepped on the scale.  I told him I would show him.

So, now I need to show him.  ha!  I can't let him win, but I am already worried about failing.

I could show him by not being depressed tomorrow despite what the scale says.  Phbppt.  I feel like that is a cop out.  I want to step up my game.  Make correct choices, not only correct and on plan, but the best choices.  I want to exercise multiple times a day.  I want to take more steps than he does.  But I can't tell him about it, because he will just say of course, I exercised/walked more... he works full time and I don't.  Then I will feel guilty.

What do I do?  I feel like he will see what I eat, so he will know I am making good food choices.  So that is a good option.  Also, without bringing up the exercise/walking, I want to tell him the numbers on that scale are going down!

I need a plan.  And Action Plan!

Do we believe the studies that say exercising 3 times a day for ten minutes is as beneficial as exercising once for 30 minutes?  I would like to.  That way I can get in more exercise when I have a little spare time.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be the roughest since those are the days I regularly work.

I need to succeed!  Failure is not an option!  I will put something together today and implement my strategy tomorrow.  Time to think.


On a semi-related note, I applied for three jobs yesterday.  Professional, non-babysitting type jobs that required a cover letter and resume.  These are the first jobs I've applied for since January 2006.  That is 10 years!  Last night, I was giddy with excitement, stayed up until 1AM because I couldn't sleep.

I held two jobs simultaneously between 2006 and 2015, but both jobs were not applied for per se.  I heard about the opening, interviewed resume in hand, was hired on the spot.  Which feels awesome that my stellar on-paper qualities were recognized instantly.  However, it puts a different spin on trying to find a job now.  I have anxiety over whether or not I'll be called, and then if I will be picked or rejected, and so forth.

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