Monday, January 18, 2016

Six Month Post-Op Appointment

I had my 6 month post RNY visit on Friday.  I'm at 8 months now, but due to the doctor's office, my appointment for the 6 month visit was delayed.  I saw my surgeon's PA. (Physician's Assistant).

My official weigh-in for the appointment was 240.5 lbs.  It was late afternoon and I was fully clothed, so I've actually lost a little more than that.

She reviewed my labs with me.  My calcium is within the normal range, but at the lower end.  My Vitamin D is 31 and normal is considered about 30.  She said she would recommend taking an additional Vitamin D3 supplement even though there is already Vitamin D in the calcium I take.  She said I can take up to an additional 2000 IU per day.  She said that if I get my Vitamin D level up it will make absorbing the Calcium I am taking easier for my body and that should go up as well.

My liver and hemoglobin levels are good, though my iron is a little low.  It always has been.  She didn't recommend taking any additional iron at this time.  She did not have the test results for my protein level, but she said she would review it and have someone call me if it was still low.

She asked if I was having any complications (no).  She wanted to know if I have pain anywhere (no).  She asked if all of my incisions had healed (yes).  She asked if there was anything I had a hard time eating.  I told her that I had a hard time with beef or pork roast, but could do ground meat of both.  She said that was pretty normal and that I should probably avoid the problem foods for now and try reintroducing them again around the year mark.

She wanted to know what I was doing for exercise.  I told her that I was mainly walking with an occasional aerobic or swim class at the Y.  I told her we had bought a treadmill because I had such a hard time going out in the cold that I knew the only way I would exercise through winter was by staying in.

Then she told me that she thought I was doing really well.  She said I am staying on course and my progress is typical of someone who follows the rules.  She said that she frequently sees people at their 6 month visit who have stopped exercising and gone back to drinking soda and other things.

I didn't tell her that I had been slacking for the past month with regarding the frequency of my exercise or that I had broken down and eaten some sweets over the Holidays.  But I know what I did/am doing wrong and am working to remedy it.


Saturday afternoon, I had to go to an After Hours Clinic.  I had been having difficulty urinating, though no pain upon urination.  I was there was a trace presence of leukocytes in my urine, so they think I am at the beginning of a bladder infection.  They won't know for sure for 72 hours it takes to have the lab work done and returned,  So I got a prescription for Bactrim.  Or rather one was sent directly to my pharmacy.

I went to the pharmacy a half hour before they closed and they still didn't have it.  So I waited until just before they closed and double checked.  Still no Rx.  I called back on Sunday about a half hour after they opened and checked to see if they had received it yet.  Nothing.  I had to wait until Noon to call the After Hours Clinic.  I called and spoke to the NP I saw.  She confirmed that it had been sent.  And told me to have the pharmacy call her if they still couldn't find it.  So I called the pharmacy back.  The woman I spoke to doubled checked and told me they didn't have it.  I told her to call the Clinic.  She said she would and took my number down, she said she would call me back once it was ready for me to pick up.

About 1:15pm I got two calls.  One from the pharmacy's automated line telling me my prescription was ready.  The other was from the Nurse Practitioner telling me the pharmacy had found my prescription under a pile of papers near the fax machine.  So I got my prescription finally!

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