Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Body Fortress Whey review

I have been using Body Fortress Whey protein powder for a while now to make my protein shakes.  I had three 2 lb canisters leftover and well as a 12 oz package of Jay Robb Tropical Dreamsicle protein powder all from a diet I tried last year.  Luckily, they fit the requirements for the protein powders I have to use for having weight loss surgery.  I was pretty happy with the Body Fortress, chocolate and vanilla, until last week.  Last week, I saw we were almost out of what I had previous bought.  So I went shopping and discovered that the Whey Protein now has a new advanced formula.  I went ahead and bought it (in vanilla, my favorite flavor) since I had a $3.00 off coupon courtesy of the grocery store.

Old Formula                                                   New Formula
Scoop size: 41 g                                               Scoop size: 33 g
1 scoop Servings: 22                                        1 scoop Servings: 27
Mix with 6-8 oz liquid                                        Mix with 12-16 oz liquid
Consume                                                          Consume within 10 minutes of mixing

So already I can see that the scoop is smaller and you are supposed to mix it with even more liquid.  I can attest that the flavor is indeed diluted and not as good.  I do get more servings, but if I don't really like the taste any longer... not worth it.  Also, the new formula settles more, I think hence the new direction to consume with ten minutes.  But for me, each meal is supposed to take at least 30 minutes, so it is not working out well at all for me.

Old Formula                                                   New Formula
Calories: 170                                                    Calories: 130
Fat: 3 g                                                             Fat: 3 g
Total Carb: 7 g                                                 Total Carb: 6 g
Sugars: 2 g                                                       Sugar: 2 g
Protein: 30 g                                                     Protein: 20 g

At first glance, the new formula may look better if I was a person concerned solely with calories.  But if I consider that the scoop size is small and yet the fat and sugars remain the same with a reduction of the protein by a whole third.  I realize that the loss in calories is a reflection of the lack of nutritional content for which I bought the powder in the first place.

Taste-wise, I am not sure I can finish the 20 something servings I have left.  Health-wise, I'm not sure it is worth it to drink it.  It suffices to say, I will not be buying this again.

Edit: I have learned the new formula is due to a lawsuit again Body Fortress who was accused of protein spiking.  The previous formula's protein count included an amino acid that is not usable protein by the body.  So the formula was changed to not include this amino acid.  So I guess the protein content is about the same.  However, my other complaints still stand.

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