Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I have finally moved past the small plateau I was on for about 2 weeks.  I still can't believe that so early in the game I plateaued.  But it is over.  Yesterday, I weighed in at 345.1 lbs for a total of 15.9 lbs lost now.

I will also report that I was feeling pretty over my cold by Friday.  So from Friday to Friday, one week of a cold isn't bad at all, not for me anyway.  I am cough free.  So I guess not eating sugar really does make a difference in recuperation from illness.

Yesterday, I was having horrible cravings.  Just for any type of carb, and I wanted to eat, eat, eat.  I didn't, but it makes me wonder why some days are harder than others when I haven't changed anything.

I have been listening to a lot of audio books lately.  They are great while driving, cleaning, cooking, knitting, even once while I played a video game that did not require reading.  I've found that I cannot read while listening to an audio book, it make me tune out the audio book.  Yesterday, for the first time, I tried exercising while listening.  It was a success and it seems to make the workout video go much faster.  I have had this video for about 8 years now, and while I have not faithfully used it, I've seen it enough times that I could put it on mute and just follow along.

In an effort to be prepared for surgery, I have tried a several different protein powders/drinks so far.  They include:  Body Fortress Whey, Jay Robb Whey, Pure Protein Shake, Ensure Active High Protein Shake, Boost Glucose Control Shake, and Glucerna Hunger Smart Shake.  The Ensure, Glucerna, and Boost are all recommended for the 2 week liquid phase prior to surgery to shrink livers and make surgery easier.  The other ones would all be acceptable to use during the liquid phase after surgery when you stomach is healing and can only take liquids.  Plus at Vitamin Shoppe, they sell individual servings of the following powders:

Syntrax Nectar in vanilla bean and chocolate truffle
BodyTech Whey Tech Pro 24 in many flavors, we purchased a rich Chocolate, Strawberries & Cream, and Cookies & Cream.  How I missed grabbing a vanilla, I don't know.
Natural Whey Protein in vanilla and chocolate

I haven't tried any of these flavors yet, but I love that you can try them before buying a two pound or five pound container of them.  I will let you know what I think of them as I try them.

The Jay Robb Whey powder in Tropical Dreamsicle... yuck!  Husband will use it, says it is okay, but I really don't like it.  I don't like it so much that I don't even want to try the other flavors.  If you combine the expense plus the flavor, let's just say I won't be buying that again.

More on Body Fortress Why tomorrow.

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