Friday, April 10, 2015

Pending Surgery Date and the Tax Refund

I have been thinking about when I will try to schedule my surgery for.  The way things are going, it looks like I might be able to have it done as soon as the second full week of May.  But May is a very busy month with Mother's day, three relative's birthdays, Memorial Day, and my volunteering obligation which will not be over until the last week of May.  Also, there is always the chance I will die.

My husband's maternal grandmother died on his twelfth birthday.  For the entirety of his teenage years, he never his birthday celebrated because, for his Mom, the day was a reminder that his grandmother was gone.  I hate the thought of that for anyone I love.  So I won't have surgery right before or on any of their birthdays.  The last one to be celebrated is on May 24th, so my surgery will have to be after that.

On a lighter note, we have gotten our tax refund and have made a few of important purchases.  I purchased a member ship to the zoo.  As soon as it stop raining on a daily basis, I plan on going there to walk.  Some days I might even take a nephew along.  In addition to that, we purchased a new dryer.  The previous one died on us about 6 months ago, and it had not been drying things well for a good 3 months before that.  Taking heavy wet laundry to the laundromat all winter long was such a pain!  The new dryer should be installed in the next couple of days or so, yay!

My husband needed a new phone since his has not been working right for a while.  We found the one he wanted as cheap as possible and when we checked out there was an unadvertised sale and they took another $20.00 off the price.  Bonus!  He started playing with it as soon as he got home.  It was all setup before he went to bed.

Also, I purchased two generic key fobs for my car off Amazon.  The connections in my key fob went bad back in 2010 and the second one never worked.  I called the closest dealership for pricing and was told it would be $30 to program a key fob, but $130 for the key fob itself for a total of $160.  That is outrageous.  I told the man that I had found a generic one that was supposed to work with my car online.  I asked if I bought it would the dealership still program it for me?  He said yes for the $30 fee.  Amazon gladly took my $25 for two key fobs, and once I get them both programmed it will have cost me $85 total.  Now that is a deal.  I wished I had done that 5 years ago, I could have used the remote start these past two winters!

There is still a bit of money left.  I have a few ideas where that could go, but no set plans yet.

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