Saturday, September 12, 2015

Exercising isn't Working

I seem to be losing more weight on the weeks where I do not do as much exercise.  This is the opposite of everything I've read and been told.  The more I exercise, the more calories I should expend and hence the more weight I should lose.  The more I exercise, the more muscle I should have.  The more muscle I have, the more fat I should burn.  Why is this not working?

Yesterday, I took 14,438 steps total, or 6.3 miles.  That included a Zumba class, walking over a mile for exercise, shopping at two grocery stores, and then my usual day to day walking.  According to Garmin Connect, I burned 689 calories through my activity, I only consumed 660 calories, and my total calorie burn plus BMR, including the ones I am burning just by typing this, was 3,314.  Just shy of 3,500, that is almost a pound of calories burned.

So I should have lost like a pound when I weighed myself this morning, right?  No.  I gained weight.  What?

I feel like the week was going great, I was close to already losing 3.5 lbs and I still had three mornings until official weigh-in.  Yesterday, was the first day I managed to get to my goal of 10,000 steps because it has been a busy week.  I felt like I had this week in the bag.  Now, I don't know.

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