Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Creeping Progress

I am creeping towards 100 lbs lost.  Today, I have lost 90 lbs total.  That is since the start of this process in January.  I am excited to be able to say that.  My hubby reached 100 lb point over a month ago, but of course he is a guy and he had more to lose.  But it will feel good when I can say that too.  I am hoping to reach it by the end of October.  It seems I am averaging just over 10 lbs a month, so that should be a good estimate.

I can't even imagine strapping 100 lbs to myself and trying to walk around all day.  How was I able to do that?  How is anyone?

Last week, I opened the last box of "too small" clothing that was stashed away in the back of the closet.  I was able to fish a few pieces out that are comfortable to wear now.  But for the most part I need to lose another size or two for most of it to fit right.  Still, I'm getting there.  Once I've gone through the box... then new clothes will have to be bought.  I do like to shop, it will be a novelty to be able to buy all the items I need in a store instead of online.

Visually, I admit, I can't see a big difference.  There are little clues obviously.  And I have gone from a size 36 jeans to a size 30.  (BTW: How is 90 lbs only a 3 pant size difference?!?)  I can't deny I'm shrinking.  When I look in the mirror, I just see the same fat me.  I will probably always have body image issues.  You can't instantly change something that has been going on for 30 years, I'm not sure I can ever change it.

And seriously, what is up with my hips and butt?  If they don't start shrinking more soon I am going to be one of those woman with a little waist and hips/butt the size of a Mack truck.  You've seen the pictures online, you know what I mean.  Stupid body, I want to wear smaller pants.  Get with it already!

The end of October will also be the six month mark for my RNY surgery.  I will post new photos of myself at that time.  You can be the judge of my visual weight loss progress.

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