Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Support Group Depression

I really look forward to and enjoy going to support group.  Everyone there has either had a gastric bypass/sleeve or is planning to do so in the near future,  It is nice to here new food ideas and have other people be able to relate to what I am going through.  The doctor that did my RNY is almost always there as well as the dietitian and sometimes even the psychologist that they recommend people see for their pre-op visit.  Usually there is a guest speaker.  Last night, a pharmacist talked to us about medications.  How they can change after surgery and which ones should no longer be taken at all due to our changed anatomy.

And then sometimes, I think if there isn't enough questions to last the whole 2 hour meeting, they have us go around the room introducing ourselves and stating when surgery was and how much we lost.  Everyone gets clapped for. of course.  But I hate it.  All I hear is that the other people that had surgery about the same time as me have lost so much more weight.  It gets me down every time.  It is a seriously mood altering experience.  I know I am losing slow.  My body is fighting me despite sticking to the food plan.  Despite exercise.  Someone on FB was told by her doctor that she could be losing slower due to having PCOS.  I have that, so maybe that is it.  In any case, I just hate it.

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