Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mother-in-law Hospitalized

My Mother-in-law has been in the hospital since Sunday.  Yesterday was the first day that things started looking up.  Hopefully, she will be able to leave the hospital in a couple days.

Last week, she suffered a minor stroke leaving her with just a little weakness on the left side.  They found calcium deposits in her brain and told us that another stroke is likely.   Then she felt extremely weak on Sunday morning and had her sister who lives next door call 911.  At the hospital, they found her hemoglobin level to be at 6 when it supposed to be at 12.  So she was severely anemic.

She was given 2 pints of blood and was feeling a little better.  But there were other issues that kept her there.  The next day her hemoglobin had dropped again.  So they began various tests to determine where she was bleeding internally at.  After all was said and done, as of yesterday evening they still don't know where she was bleeding from, but it appears to have stopped.  She received another transfusion and some potassium.

The doctors are having a consult with each other today to determine a plan of action.  But since she is now stable, it looks likely that she will be leaving the hospital in the next few days.  We were told that social services would call a family meeting to discuss her care options upon leaving the hospital.  A rehab facility has been mentioned several times, but she and her daughter are against this.  I think she probably needs it.  She is so weak and plus it would help her get over the weakness from the stroke.  Unfortunately, they see rehab at a skilled facility tantamount to placing her in a "home."  I don't want to see her in a nursing home at all, none of us do.  But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the difference.

The other alternative mentioned to us so far has been a home nursing aide.  They are both even resistant to that.  But my Sister-in-law has some major medical issues of her own, and frankly, there is no way she can care for her mother.  She can only hobble a few steps with a walker, how is she going to help her mother clean house or bathe herself?  Unfortunately, my Sister-in-law is the medical proxy for my Mother-in-law.  So the rest of the family with not have the final say other than trying to persuade them both that they need help.  I'm afraid something will happen if she goes home without help.

I think at that point, Adult Protective Services might get involved claiming that my Mother-in-law is being neglected.  Then what would happen?  I don't even know.

1 comment:


    Calvinists believe that God predestined each individual whom would receive salvation before the world was created. Is that a clear understanding of Scripture? No, it is not.

    Ephesians 1:1-5 ....4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,(NKJV)

    Whom did God choose to be adopted as sons? He chose those who would believed and obeyed the gospel.

    Ephesians 1:13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, (NKJV)

    Who were those who were sealed with the Holy Spirit of of promise?
    1. Those who trusted in Jesus were sealed.
    2. Those who heard the word of truth, the gospel, were sealed.
    3. Those who believed were sealed.

    They were not predetermined to trust, hear the truth and believed. They had free-will to meet the terms for pardon.

    Not one person was saved by grace alone. No one was saved before they believed Jesus was the Son of God. No one was saved before they were immersed in water for the forgiveness of their sins. No one was saved before they confessed Jesus as Lord and Christ. No one was saved before they believed that God resurrected Jesus from the grave. No one was saved before they repented. [John 3:16, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16, Acts 3:19, Ephesians 2:8, Romans 10:9]

    If some men have been individually predetermined for salvation and all other preordained to spend eternity in hell, then why preach the gospel?

    Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.(NKJV)

    Calvinists say faith comes by hearing only if you have been predetermined for salvation.

    Romans 10:13 For "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."(NKJV)

    Calvinists say God individually predetermined who would be allowed to call on the Lord and be saved.

    Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.(NKJV)

    Calvinists say the gospel is only for those whom God has individually chosen for salvation.

    Calvinists believe God forces His chosen to have faith and believe the gospel. They believe God individually selected most men to not believe in Jesus and to burn in hell.

    In effect Calvinist believe God preordained most men to become atheists.

    The burning question is why do Calvinists preach the gospel if men are saved by grace alone.

    God predestined that Christians would have redemption through the blood of Christ. God did not predestined which individuals would become Christians.

    Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption, through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. (NKJV)

