Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Yesterday in detail

6:25 AM: Woken to cat meowing, she was trapped in the bedroom and couldn't get to her breakfast.

6:35 AM: Managed to get myself out of bed.

6:45 AM - 8:10 AM: Drank breakfast shake.

8:15 AM - 9:05 AM: Walked two miles.

9:05 AM - 9:10 AM: Pulled weeds from the front flower box, let dog outside, and then washed hands.

9:12 AM 9:15 AM: Typed out this post so far.

9:15 AM - Pill.

9:16 AM - 10:05 AM - Iced ankles, watched last two episodes of the anime Soul Eater, and worked on one of the scarves I'm knitting, took a pill at 9:45 AM.

10:08 AM 10:15 AM: Discovered I had missed a call from the mechanic while walking, who could have guessed they would call me back so early?  Called them back and got the news that a butterfly clip on the left front brake was rubbing on the rotor causing the squealing sound I had been hearing.  The brakes themselves still 40%-50% left on them.  The loud engine sound was because the a central muffler under the car had a huge dent and crack in it.  Mostly likely from hit a bump or pot hole hard.  He said it would be 200.00 to fix the muffler and he would replace the butterfly clip on the brake for free.  I gave him the okay to make the repair.

10:15 AM: Pill and called my husband to let him, he will be stopping there after work to pay for it and pick up the key.

10:20 AM - 10:50 AM: Cleaned up around the house, cleaned myself, took at pill at 10:45 AM.

10:50 AM - 11:25 AM: Researched steps to take to be able to sell crafts at crafts shows/fairs.

11:30 AM - 11:40 AM: Folded the laundry.  I have to do laundry so often!!  There are only so many big people clothing items you can fit in the washer, am I right?  Also, checked the weather because I thought I heard thunder.  Yes, it was thunder, though it is not particularly dark out yet.

11:45 AM - 12:15 PM: Eating a lunch I do not feel remotely ready to eat after the shake I had for breakfast.  Also, watching an episode of House.M.D.

12:15 PM - 12: 35 PM: Made Tuna Salad and finished listening to the episode from the kitchen.

12:45 PM: Walked to get the mail.

1:10 PM - 1:25 PM: Went through the mail and took a pill at 1:25 PM.

1:25 PM - 1:35 PM: Paid some bills, balanced check book, finished 3rd cup of water for the day.

1:35 PM - 1:50 PM: Hemmed a pair of pants for my Grandma and mended something for my husband.

1:50 PM - 1:55 PM: Got the call that my car was ready, called my husband so he would go after work to pay for it and pick up the keys.

1:55 PM - 2:03 PM: Went back to sewing.

2:03 PM: Realized I had forgotten to set the timer for for pill I should have taken at 1:55 PM, took a pill.  Went back to sewing and found a big ole pucker in my Grandma's pants.  Started seam ripping.

2:33 PM: Took a pill, still seam ripping.

2:43 PM - 2:48 PM: Realized I needed to marinate the chicken we are grilling for our 4th meal.  Marinated Chicken (teriyaki) and updated blog.  Now going back to seam ripping, almost done.

2:50 PM - 4:11 PM: Finished seam ripping, resewed hem, twice.  It can't believe it gave me so much trouble, took a pill.

4:11 PM - 4:32 PM: Let dog outside to do her business.  Fed dog and cat.  Washed a pan that had been soaking in the sink for 2 days.  I hate dishes.  Loaded the dishwasher, scavenged the house for any last minute dishes to add.  I didn't find any so I put all the animal food dishes in instead.  Updated blog.

4:33 PM - 5:20 PM: Ate dinner while watching an episode of House, M.D.

5:20 PM - 5:30 PM: Changed clothes, let dog outside again.  Saw a monstrous spider hanging out just below the frame on the door before the first step.  Got Raid and fried it.

5:30 PM - 5:37 PM: Checked email, updated food on

5:45 PM - 9:00 PM: Husband got home, we left in his car.  Went to Library, Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreen's, Hancock Fabrics, pick-up my car, took two pills.

9:05 PM:  Arrived home and started dinner.

9:15 PM - 10:38 PM:  Ate dinner and watched two episodes of House, M.D., also watched and heard my husband dump for the first time.  Now, going to bed.  

That was a lot to keep track of, I can't do this again, it took too much time.

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