Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day Eight of Pre-Op Liquid Diet

I am not hungry all the time any more.  I still get hungry of course, it is just not a constant.  I don't have any cravings per se... I just want to eat.  If I get busy enough, I forget about wanting to eat.  But it creeps back in, and really I just want to eat.  I have a feeling that is a mental thing that is going to take a while to get over.

Two days ago, I began getting vertigo right before I get out of bed.  Once I'm up, I am fine.  I can move around, bend over, and what not without consequence.  Also, I am so tired.  I am having a hard time getting up.  I want an mid-morning or afternoon nap.  I can't stay up late.

Lastly, I am tired of drinking.  I'd like to sink my teeth into something.  Although, I am not tired of just vanilla and chocolate protein shakes.  I thought I might be, but no, I like what I like.

This morning was my pre-op class.  The nurse, Kelly, reviewed the surgery and what to expect during our hospital stay.  She discussed what medications we should be taking up until the surgery and what we would be given in the hospital as well as what we would be discharged with.  She went over bladder catheters, drains, leg pumps, and incentive spirometers.  She reviewed the medications we need to avoid taking if possible, ones we could never take again (NSAIDS), and the reasons why we are told to not drink alcohol for a year and to never ever ever smoke.  Some gross stories accompanied the reason to not smoke to emphasize the point.

Then she took each person aside one at a time.  She reviewed my pre-op testing results with me.  I was told I need to take Vitamin D because I am low.  She called in a prescription for D2 to the pharmacy, I already have some D3 at home that I will take until I pick up the prescription.  D3 is better, but I guess you can only get prescriptions for D2.

And that is where I am at.  Six days to go until surgery day.

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