Sunday, May 17, 2015

Food in the Future

Day 5 of protein shake liquid phase and I am still going strong despite my struggles.  I am hungry and I am craving everything, but I am losing weight every day.  It is not a lot each day, but I am pleased.  I realized I had not updated my progress log in over a month now.  Tomorrow is Monday, my official weigh-in day, so I will update it, because at this point I am definitely not forgetting to weigh myself.  It is just a matter to remember to post.

I would like to say my weight will be drastically less than the 341.7 I weighed on 4/06/15... but I plateaued for quite a while due to eating of things I ought not to have eaten.  I had this mind set of "I need to eat this thing one more time."  Said things included Five Guys burger, pizza, Taco Bell, cake, McD's mocha frappe, and chocolate chip cookies.  Especially the mocha frappe and cookies... I may have had more than one "one last time" for those.  Sweets, mostly chocolate ones, have always been my downfall.

I do know I will be able to have these things in a severely limited capacity someday in the far off future.  Gosh, even 6 months seems like far off when you can't eat your favorite foods for that long.  But seriously, the odds are in favor of my having dumping syndrome, so I don't expect much in the way of eating sweets ever again.  I am hoping that what I heard was true, and that you no longer have the same tastes and desires for food.

There was a small discussion in the last support group about what your eating would look like 2-3 years on down the line.  We were told that you should be able to eat normally.  This was explained further by a 3 year post-op patient who said, when they said you would eat normal again that meant types of food not quantity.  Never again should we be able to eat more than a cup of food at a meal.  Which suits me just fine really, nobody should have to eat 4 pieces of a large pizza to be full... but I do.

So here's to the future... may it be filled with small meals of meat and vegetables.

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