Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Liquid Diet

Day one is closing on the start of my liquid diet.  I have not had a good day with this.

I am supposed to be drinking 4 protein shakes made with skim milk or water.  Additionally, I must consume 64 ounces of beverages including: water, chicken broth, sugar free jell-o, any non-carbonated and non-caffeinated zero calorie drink.

I have not gone outside of those guidelines, but I haven't been able to drink that many protein shakes either.  The day started late for me, but I began with a vanilla protein shake made with skim milk.  I felt a little nauseated after drinking, but attributed to air bubbles in the froth.

A while later, I had a glass of orange kool-aid, that liquid squirter stuff that has zero calories.  Then I felt that feeling you get when you eat too much grease... not out right nausea, but upset.  So I decided no more of that today.

When it was meal time again, I tried a chocolate shake this time.  I felt like I was going to vomit this time, and considered running to the nearest sink.  I settled for putting my head down and letting it pass.

Of course, this whole time I have been waffling back and forth between actual hunger and the incessant nudging my my brain telling me I should go get something to eat when I am not hungry.  I've also developed a headache, I am sure from not getting enough to eat today.  I haven't been able to drink another shake, in fact, the thought of it makes my stomach roll.

I've had water, chicken broth, herbal tea, jell-o, and that's it.  I am at 56 oz of non-shake liquid.  Only two protein shakes for a total of 530 calories.  I'm sure I will get another 8 ounces of water or something.  Not sure what to do about the shakes though.  Maybe I will wave the white flag for today and try to at least drink three of them tomorrow.

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