Thursday, May 14, 2015

Just in a funk

Day two closes on the liquid diet with little improvement.  Do I really have to do this for 12 more days?  Can I?  I browsed weight loss surgery websites and found many people of the opinion that they cheated on the liquid phase so probably everyone does.  One woman said her doctor outright told her that no one sticks to it and that is why he doesn't have his patients do it.  But if it makes surgery easier and the outcomes better, shouldn't I?  I re-read my binder to try and motivate me and it worked to a degree mentally, but I am still having physical problems.

I woke with a headache, and spent most of the day with a headache.  I woke with a backache, and spent the whole morning with a backache.  Pain relievers have not lived up to their name.

If pain was not enough, I was able to enjoy some diarrhea today too.  Protein shakes still nauseate me, but to a lesser extent then yesterday.  I was able to eat three of them today.  So yay me.  I would say I am getting plenty of liquids, except if I continue having diarrhea, am I?

I don't know.  I was so looking forward to getting this process started.  I even tried a wide variety of protein shakes to find ones I like.  I've been gearing up the exercise.  To the point that I injured myself on Monday.  Achilles Tendinitis... good luck getting in my walking now.  I spent Tuesday completely off my feet icing the back of my ankles.  At least that doesn't hurt as much now.  I managed a very slow, short-stepped walk to get the mail and back with minimal pain.  So all in all... I feel a little defeated.

I wasn't perfect on the pre-surgery diet.  And I admit three days ago, I had one last mocha frappe because I love those stupid things.  So am I battling sugar withdrawal?  Caffeine withdrawal?  Am I ill?  Is it the weather?  Whatever it is... it is kicking my butt.

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