Sunday, May 31, 2015

Post RNY day 4

I am on Day 4 post-op with my laparoscopic RNY Gastric Bypass.  Today is starting off well.  I've gotten all but one of my morning pills in.  I'm waiting a half hour after each one before taking another.  I have had 16 oz of water so far.  I had my first BM after surgery.  It was diarrhea, so not pleasant, but better than being constipated.

I have not had any more issues so far with blockages.  Sometimes my intestines still cramp when my pouch empties into them.  I think it is probably because they are healing more than anything else.  Yesterday, one of my protein shakes was entirely too foamy when I drank it.  I had gas pain all evening.  not fun, but it passed.

I am still not able to eat as much as the binder says I should.  Yesterday, according to the binder I was able to move on to "Full Liquids."  This includes: Sugar-free pudding, thin Oatmeal made with skim milk, Cream of wheat made with skim milk, Cream of rice made with skim milk, Grits made with skim milk, Malt-O-meal made with skim milk, Low-Fat creamed soups made with skim milk and then strained so there are no chunks, and Protein Shakes.  From the previous days, I can still have broth, sugar-free Popsicle and sugar-free Jell-o, but these count towards my liquid intake, not my food intake.

I had so much trouble the day before I decided to stick with Protein Shakes.  I managed 1.5 protein shakes, which was a far cry better then the day before, but obviously not ideal.  I am supposed to now be getting 40 grams of protein a day and 64 oz of liquid.  The protein shakes now count as part of that 64 oz, whereas before surgery they did not.  If I do well on my first two meals today which will be protein shakes, I will be adventurous and attempt one of my other Full Liquid options.

One of my sister's friends, Carrie, had bypass 5 weeks before me.  She has moved onto soft foods and is no longer utilizing her protein shakes.  She gave me a bag of samples containing various shakes, puddings, and soups for a total of 13 samples.  She has also offered to sell me 6 canisters, two of Unjury and four of Nectar, for $75.00  That is a fabulous deal considering the Nectar alone can retail for 44.00 a canister.  So, I think I am going to buy them.  I haven't talked to her yet, but I have her phone number.  This info and the samples was passed to me by my sister.  Carrie has also offer to be my bypass buddy.  She said she didn't have anyone to talk to who went through it before her and she missed it, so if I had any problems or questions I should feel free to ask her.

Today my weight is hovering just above my surgery day weight of 333.5.  I was told my the nurse who ran my IV that my veins were very full (well-hydrated) and usually when people came in for surgery the veins were thin from dehydration.  The day I was discharged, I had gained ten pounds of water weight from all the IV fluid I was given.  It's been three days and I've just about lost it all.

One more thing to mention, since yesterday I am having horrible post nasal drip and am coughing constantly.  Cough medicine doesn't seem to be helping.  I took an allergy antihistamine this morning and it seems a little better.  But still I cough.  At least it is no longer as painful as the first few days after surgery.

I've got to go eat now.

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