Monday, February 29, 2016

Carbs in Medicine and Reducing My Protein

I gained weight last week.  I really didn't want to post that, hence the delay.  But, I need to be honest.  I blame it completely on being sick.  I've been pretty much better since last Wednesday.

When I noticed I was getting sick, the first day, I had three Chicken Cup of Soup and a can of chicken broth.  That day, and the next two days, I was eating AirBorne, Vitamin C, and taking DayQuil/NyQuil every 4 hours.  The next three days I took Dayquil/Nyquil about twice a day but backed off on the rest.  That is a lot of carbs overall!  (As a side note, I overdid it on the Vitamin C/Airborne because both my urine and snot were turning orange despite staying hydrated.)

Airborne: 12 carbs per 4 chews
Dayquil/Nyquil: 12 carbs per dose
Vitamin C Tablet: 2-4 g each depending on what you read online.

Of those, only the Airborne tells you on the label that it has carbs in it.  In any case, every day for a week I was blowing the my carb count way out of the water.  But I was still trying to eat a high fat/high protein diet.  High carbs plus high fat equals weight gain!

And it that was not enough, to avoid carbs I have been consuming 110-130 g of protein a day since the beginning of February with the exception of last week.  Last week, I kept it between 79-104 g per day.  Only one day for up to 104 g, otherwise the highest day was 96 g.

I've read numerous articles (including scientific ones) and forum threads about excess protein being turned into glucose which as a sugar would be processed by the body before fat.  Some sources say yes, some say no.  Some of the sources support the idea of limiting protein for Ketosis and some say it is not proven.  I am on the fence, but 110-130 g is really more protein, and thus more calories, than my body needs regardless of what is happening to the excess protein.

If I manage to stick to this week's menu plan, my daily protein intake will range between 78-95 grams.  Per my nutritionist, I should be getting 85-90 g a day.  So this will be much closer to what she recommends and I am interested to see how it will effect my weight loss this week.

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