Thursday, August 27, 2015

Progress Report

  •  This week I expect that I will reach my next goal of 289.0 lbs.  That means I need to lose 0.3 lbs this week.  This is my second day in a row that I am below this goal, so I think it is safe to say I made it.
  • This week I want to reach 10,000 steps Monday through Friday.  So far so good, two days left to consider this goal accomplished.
  • This week I expect that I will walk at least 2 miles for purposeful exercise Monday through Friday.  On track here.
  • This week I want to get 8 cups of liquid in every single day.  This one has been tough!  I've even stayed up late a couple times already to make sure I get in 8 cups.  It will be a struggle to reach this one, four more days to go.
  • This week I expect that I will make at least one bag for the craft sale.  Not done yet... eek!
  • This week I expect to make Curious George cupcakes for a birthday at church.  I need to make frosting today.
  • This week I will go to an Archery class.  This is on Sunday, so as long as I don't forget to go... I should be good.

I'm going to a couple crafts stores this morning.  I have a Halloween candy bag pattern, the kind of bag you use to go trick or treating with.  I am missing a few components.  But I hope to make one of them later today.  I feel like I have so much to do today, but today was supposed to be my one "down" day.  Ugh, never enough time.

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