Monday, January 11, 2016


I'm going to get my 6 month labs drawn today.  My appointment with my surgeon's PA is this Friday.  It is almost a month late, but that is the office's fault, not mine.  I hope the results of the blood tests look good.  I feel like I have been doing very well on getting all my protein and vitamins in.  Not perfect though.

I have been having some struggles.

1.  Water!  I feel like I am so dehydrated.  I am getting about 5 cups of liquid a day consistently.  Maybe 1-2 days a week I am reaching 8 cups.  I forget to drink.  Or I go somewhere and forget to take a drink with me.  Every time I eat, I am crazy thirsty afterwards, but I can't drink for 30 minutes. I am not drinking caffeine at least.  It is really starting to take a toll on me though.  My skin is terribly dry.  When I pee, there is not a lot of it.  I fear that I am going to begin damaging my kidneys.  I hope they can find my vein today, I am drinking water as I type.

2.  Exercise.  We bought a treadmill, did I say this before?  I knew it was not realistic for me to say I would go to the Y or a store to walk in winter.  I just wouldn't do it.  So we have a treadmill, which I am using!  But only about 3 days a week.  Actually, it was 2 days last week.  :(  I need to beef up my walking.  Exercise is so important and I am only sabotaging myself by not doing it.  My dental hygienist and I were talking this past Wednesday.  She said she had heard you need to exercise 4 days a week to maintain and 5 days a week to lose weight.  I had never heard that, so I don't know if it is true.  But I am certainly not getting close to 5 days a week.  Maybe this is why my weight loss this past two months has been so slow.

3.  Sweets.  My sweet-tooth has been rearing it's ugly head, and worse, I have been listening to it.  Luckily, we don't have much in the house that is a sweet.  But I have had some things I shouldn't.  My husband's birthday was last week.  I had a small piece of cake.  But I just couldn't leave it alone.  So before it left our house to go to work with him two days later, I had had a second piece.  Then it was out of the house, temptation gone.  But this has happened with more than one thing.  When I baked cookies for Christmas for other people, I tried one of each (not all at once!).   Then I had cookies in the freezer until I was going to see said people.  But a cookie or two may have disappeared from the freezer.  In any case, I need to have self-discipline.  I know I have my weaknesses, but I cannot let temptation get the better of me.

I feel like I need someone to tell me what to do.  Drink 8 cups of water!  Exercise 5 days a week!  Avoid sweets!  That is all very well and even easy for me to say.  But I guess what I am saying is that I need someone holding me accountable.  I need someone that I do not want to disappoint.  What about your husband, you say?  Well, we have kind of agreed to do this journey together, but not tell each other what to do.  It causes too much strife between us.  Family is out.  I'm not sure where/who else to look for someone either.

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