Saturday, January 9, 2016

I'm dreamin my life away

I didn't make any resolutions this year.  I didn't know if I should bother.  It seems like every year that I make one (or several) I always fail to keep them.  Instead, I will share my dreams.  What I would want to happen if anything were possible.  My pie in the sky: something that I hope will happen but is very unlikely to happen.

1.   Reach ideal BMI weight of 154.0 lbs

2.   Become pregnant/have a baby

3.   Win the lottery

4.   Open up and successfully run my own bakery

5.   Buy our dream home

6.   Have full perky breasts (weight loss has decimated mine)

7.   Not get sick all year

8.   Not worry about money/paying bills all year

9.   My husband can comfortably retire

10. We will be happy despite what comes our way

I think none of these are contingent on the other.  While winning the lottery would definitely make the others more possible, there are other ways those dreams could come to fruition.

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