Friday, January 15, 2016


I like lists.  I frequently make one for myself of things I want to accomplish in the day.  If I don't get it all done, there is some disappointment, but I have learned that I over-plan and am not usually realistic in what I can achieve in a day.

But when I do get it all done, I have such a sense of satisfaction.  I've accomplished something with my day.  Anything is possible!

Today, I would like to accomplish the following:

Shower (of course!)
Laundry (wash/dry/fold/put away)
Towels (ditto)
Read the Bible
Work on my Knitting
Watch a Movie that has to go back to the library today
Go to the Library
Go to the Grocery store
Go to my Six Month Appt
Go to the Bank
Eat Four Meals
Make Pizza Pasta Casserole for Church
Make Taco Meat for me
Get Cookies out of the Freezer for Church, and not eat any!

Those are just in the order I thought of them.  Did I over plan?  Probably.

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