Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Water Plan: Drink!

I struggle with water consumption already.  It is a really good day for me to get 8 cups of liquid (water, broth, protein shake, herbal tea), let alone 8 cups of just water.  I did really well all last week, and then Saturday and Sunday... 5 cups each day.  I just forget to drink when I get busy.  Then I get bladder infections, and have other problems.

I have heard and read so many different things about how much water we should be consuming on a daily basis not to mention while trying to lose weight.  It is hard to put a number on it.

I've also read that ketosis has a diuretic effect on us and staying hydrated is vital for good health and to flush out any unused ketones.

Plus, staying hydrated will help me stay regular as the amount of fiber I consume, never high to begin with, is going to get even lower.

So for now, my goal is to consistently drink 8 cups of liquid.  Once I can achieve this, I can set a new liquid goal.  Let's say I want to drink 8 cups every day through February 14th.  Then I can re-evaluate and see how I've done.

So far so good as I did drink 8 cups on Monday.

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