Sunday, January 10, 2016

Almost Halfway There

I've been hovering under my next weight loss goal most of the week.  But I feel like I am reluctant to actually crossing it off.  That I've been losing so slowly, maybe I will gain it back and then won't I feel defeated to go backwards on my goals.  Is this silly?  I am going to wait until tomorrow, since it is my official weigh-in day.  If I am still under the goal, no matter how close to it I am, I'm going to cross it off.

The goal is 50% of my excess weight lost.  What a milestone!  I am/will be half way there to what I should lose.  What ideally I want to lose, though I think getting down to 154 lbs is a little hard to imagine.  Wouldn't I actually have to be underweight to reach 154 lbs to account for all the excess skin hanging on me?

I do hope someday to have skin removed.  But that cost money, so for the possible future.  For now we are still paying on the gastric bypass surgery.

Also, speaking of goals, I have not been rewarding myself upon reaching goals.  Not for the past 2-3 anyway.  I feel like I don't know what to get myself.  I don't need any clothes.  I will not make food a reward.  We can't afford to go anywhere right now.  I don't "need" anything.  So maybe I will just save up the idea of the rewards until there is something bigger I really want.  Then I can tell myself I deserve it for all my hard work.

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