Monday, July 13, 2015

My Day

6:51 AM - I'm having my breakfast shake now.  Also, reading email, updating my Vivofit, and other activities I do pretty much every morning.

7:35 AM - Leaving for my morning walk.

8:43 AM - If I keep losing poundage at the rate I'm going, I might get to my first goal in 2 weeks.  That is a little bit of excitement.  Just finished my two mile walk, so I've got to go ice my ankles now.

9:37 AM - I've taken two pills so far.  Now, it is time to call the bank and make some payment arrangements for our medical bills.

10:28 AM - Finally down with that!  First, we had a fraud alert from our bank and my husband's card was cancelled.  This was over two weeks ago, still no new card.  So I had to find out what was going on with that.  If you remember the problem I had with my First Medical Bill, well the HRA never cancelled the checks, and they cleared a week later.  Now, the exact same thing happened with my husband's account for the same medical office.  So I had to get all my ducks in a row and call the office up.  I gave them all the info they wanted, check#, date issued, date cashed, etc.  I spoke to a very pleasant man, named Chris, this time.  So they will be searching for the HRA payments and hopefully we will be getting a refund for what we paid out of pocket.  I am supposed to call back on the 31st to get an account update.  I also called the hospital and made payment arrangements on both of our accounts.  They wanted so much per month!!  I bargained them down with my logic of I can't afford to pay over 500.00 a month on medical bills.  So I got it down to 105.00 per month until the rest of the bills clear, then I will have to up my payments.  Time to clean some house.

11:56 AM - Had to stop for lunch, eating an egg.

12:20 PM - Running behind!  Got to get ready for my follow-up appt with the Nutritionist and scoot out the door!

2:33 PM - Home again.  Bad news, good news.  More on that later.  I've now taken 7 of my daily pills.  I've got some laundry to get done.

4:05 PM - Laundry done, 3rd meal of the day being eaten, also had a chat with my nutritionist regarding what she told me at my appt.  Now to feed the dog and get ready to go again.

4:27 PM - I have to leave in 15 minutes to go to a group weight loss meeting at a local church.  It is free, unlike weight watcher's.  But from what I understand there is some kind of easy aerobic exercise, with a weight-in and a discussion.  So we'll see if I like it.  Prior to the meeting I have to drop some food off at my sister's house and drop my car off at the mechanic.  The church is right down the road from the mechanic, so I'll just walk.  My husband is coming straight from work and he can take me home after.

9:04 PM - I'm home.  Meeting contained exercise, discussion, no weigh-in.  Which is okay because I weigh myself obsessively daily.  Went to the grocery store to pick up some meat.  Realized I left my phone in the cup holder of my car when I dropped it off at the mechanic.  Oh Well.  I need to eat my 4th meal.  Then I am going to relax for the rest of the night.

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