Saturday, July 11, 2015

Support Group: Dehydration and Constipation

This month's support group topic was Dehydration and Constipation.  We were shown a slide show that was presented by one of the nurses.  She explained it and asked if we had any questions.  I feel like it was nothing new to me.  I do always enjoy support group though, it is comforting to be around other people who are dealing with the same issues.  And I love seeing/hearing the success stories.  back to the topic though...

On one hand, I know I am still struggling with getting enough liquid in.  I am getting a minimum of 5 cups a day, but usually just the minimum.  I might get 6 cups a day one a week and more than that possibly once every two weeks.  My skin is dry and I am tired.  I don't wake up with cotton mouth, so I can't be too dehydrated.  But I have been having leg pain for a week now.  It is mostly in my thighs.  I haven't changed my activity routine at all, so perhaps it is from dehydration.  Maybe low potassium, but doesn't that cause cramping in the calf muscle?  I'm not having any cramping.

On the other hand, I've had a bowl movement 6 out of the last 7 days.  I am definitely not constipated, in fact, it is usually a loose stool.  And dark green from excess bile.  Not that anybody wanted to know that.  Loose stool could be contributing to dehydration, but I've had them my whole life.  It is probably a contributing factor as to why I am not constipated.  I do feel lucky that I've stayed regular without any over the counter help.  My husband is not so lucky, as is typical of gastric bypass patients, and uses Miralax almost daily.

A woman posted in the Facebook group I am a part of concerning this.  She said she was 9 years out and could not poop to save her life.  It makes me wonder if I will have problems in the future.  The presentation I saw said that the first few months were the most likely to have you dehydrated.  So maybe I will always be regular.  I guess I'll find out.

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