Thursday, January 15, 2015

A good beginning

Yesterday turned out pretty well.  I managed to stick to five goals I am focusing on.  I went to bed a little hungry, but it wasn't anything that kept me awake. I could have had a snack, but did't want to eat that late.

Yesterday's meals:

Breakfast: Fasting

Lunch: 4 oz turkey breast, 2 cheese sticks, 1 sugar free pudding

Snack: 12 oz sweet tea

Dinner: A turkey leg and thigh

Dessert: 12 oz sweet tea

Notes regarding food:  Our church had something about fasting in the last service, so I thought I would rise to the challenge and do so for one meal a week.  I do not think I will do breakfast again next week.  I'm sure I need to eat in the morning to start my metabolism working.  I realize I will not be able to do this after surgery as I will be eating so little food as it is.  For dinner, I had a side salad made, but I was full.   I do have a weakness for sweet tea.  I have to stop drinking black tea soon, so I am trying to get what I have left used up.  I plan on buying some stevia this weekend to replace the sugar/honey.  I know it won't be as tasty, because I've done it before, but maybe it will help me drink less tea in general.

The turkey I roasted turned out well.  There is one more in the freezer, so I'll have to roast again before surgery.  I have always like cleaning out the pantry, freezer, etc.  So this part is kind of fun for me.  I've already gone through and gotten rid of all the expired items.  Now the challenge will be to take what I have left and work it into our menu, or to re-home it.  Not that we will have empty cupboards when I'm done, after my husband will still need to eat.  I just need to get rid of anything that will be a trial for me to resist.

Weight this morning: 356.7 - 4.3 lbs lost

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