Friday, January 16, 2015

The train is about to derail

My weight this morning was 355.3.  That makes 5.7 lbs gone now.  Mostly water weight I am sure.  But I have a confession, we have two Groupons to use still.  We are going to try and use them both this weekend to be done with them.  So weigh-in on Monday... not looking too good from here.  This will be the last time I eat at these places, so I am not even planning on trying to eat well.  And I admit, after only 1 week of lower carb eating, I am looking forward to it immensely.

Yesterday was not as low carb as Wednesday had been.  But still better than my previous food choices.  We have used up several things between yesterday and this morning including: Lean Pockets, Lindt Truffles, Strawberry Conserves, Bacon Ranch dressing, and my all time favorite tea Vanilla Caramel.  I didn't finish all of those myself, but regardless they are all gone now.

Breakfast:  Vanilla Protein Drink - 30 minutes

Lunch: 2 Pepperoni Lean Pockets, Milk Chocolate Lindt Truffles - 38 minutes

Dinner: 6 oz Turkey Breast, Side salad with cheddar and Lite SW Ranch dressing - 56 minutes

Water: 7 cups

It is really hard to make a 8 oz drink last 30 minutes!  Now imagine I have to sip 64 oz all day long... that is going to be a trial.  Lunch was amazingly fatty, but both those items are now out of the house for good.  I did have a weakness for both those items.  By the time I finished dinner, my jar was starting to ache.  In fact, it still feels a little tight now.  Never in my life have I taken so long to eat a meal.  Usually we would be done eating in 10-15 minutes, and a drink for a meal, maybe 5 minutes.  I am glad I choose this as one of the first goals to work on, because it is taking a lot of adjusting.

As far as the goals I've chosen:

Eat protein-rich food at each meal - Check!

Take a Multivitamin daily - Check!

Eat Slowly and stop when I feel full - Check!

Take small bites and chew well - Check!

Avoid Mindless/Emotional eating - Check!

Now, how long do you suppose I should maintain a goal before considering it accomplished?  Obviously, I am going off the rails this weekend, but after that?  If I can keep these five going all next week, should I add another in?  I've read it takes 21 days to make a habit... that is something for me to contemplate.

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