Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The past two days and from the beginning of the journey

The past two days:  I struggled a lot with even starting to change the way I eat.   I tried to tackled all 11 of the pre-op goals I was given, and failed miserably.  I read blogs telling how horrible you feel after bariatric surgery, both emotionally and physically.  Yet, almost every one of them said they would do it again.  I went on weight-loss forums and looked and people's before and after pictures.  I wondered if this was really my best chance at losing and leaving behind the extra weight I've been carrying since I was 3-4 years old.  Can I really restrict my sugar/fat/food intake for the rest of my life?  What will my life be like if I don't?  But I will miss this... or that... or everything!  Food isn't just something I love, it is part of my identity.  I am known for my desserts and cake decorating among our family and friends.  I even considered going to culinary school at one point.  Will I still even want to bake?

I know the decision can be changed. I still have doubts obviously.  But right now, I say I am going to do it.  I am going to have Gastric Bypass surgery, probably in late April of this year.  Starting in 2014, my husband and I, for the first time, have insurance that has coverage for the surgery.  Not that the coinsurance on the procedure won't be quite a hunk of change, but better than paying for it in full.  We are both extremely overweight.  We are both interested in the surgery and it was decided that I would start the process first, and he would follow 1-2 months afterwards.  That way we can be there for each other during recuperation.

I went a informational session in mid-December and got a referral from my primary care physician to see a dietitian.  My insurance requires 3 months of supervised weight-loss, a psych visit, and lots of blood work.  I imagine that is pretty standard.  The dietitian told me I was actually lucky, that she had had one insurance plan require a full year of supervised weight-loss before they would approve surgery.  The dietitian appointment was Thursday last week, January 8th.  

Of course, the day starts off with car trouble!  My Mom went with me because my car wouldn't start that morning, subzero temperatures will do that.  I told her she might as well come into the appointment with me because if I do this it will change the way I have to eat for the rest of my life.  I weighed 361.something at the appointment.  The dietitian said that the insurance may deny coverage if I don't lose weight or at least maintain my weight for the next 3 months.  I was told to make a psychologist appointment with one of a few specific doctors and to expect it to take 2-3 hours.  She gave me 11 goals to work on accomplishing before the surgery, changes to my eating habits and lifestyle that will make me more successful post surgery.  It was lot of of information all at once.

The Pre-Op Goals:

1.  Eat 3-4 meals per day.  No Snacking.

2.  Avoid all sugars, sweets, desserts, and sugared beverages.  Read food labels for 5 grams of sugar or less per serving.

3.  Avoid fried foods, limit fats added to foods, and avoid high fat fast foods.  Read food labels for about 3 grams of fat or less per serving.

4.  Eat protein-rich food at each meal.

5.  Take a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement daily.

6.  Sip liquids.  Drink 8 cups each day between meals.

7.  Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, black tea, coffee, and carbonated beverages.

8.  Eat meals slowly (approximately 30 minutes per meal).  Stop eating when you feel full.

9.  Take small bites.  Chew foods well.

10.  Avoid emotional/mindless eating.

11.  Exercise 3x a week.

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