Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wash your vegetables and sweep your floors

Yesterday, I forgot to post anything, although I thought about it several times.  There wasn't a lot of free time in the day, so it just got away from me.  I started my day off with a weigh-in as usual.  355.8, still going down, yay!  Today, I weighed 354.2, even better!!  That means I have lost 6.8 lbs now.

Then I packed my husband's lunch.  I do this for two reasons, I love him and it is cheaper than if he ate out at lunch.  I actually enjoy it mostly, but I hate washing carrots for some reason.  But if I don't, well, gritty carrots are not the way to go.  You are eating dirt along with either pesticides or manure depending on what kind of carrots you buy.  Honestly, I don't think I like washing vegetables in general.  Or fruit, but vegetables are worse.  I am lazy that way.

Then I got myself ready for the day and went to volunteer.  Every Tuesday morning, I volunteer for a literacy program.  It focuses on 1st and 2nd graders who are falling behind in their reading.  We review the alphabet and the letter sounds, work on sight words, and then read together for a little bit.

Next stop was work.  I won't go into detail, because it was my last day.  I had given my two weeks notice prior to this.  From here on out, I will not work for a while.  I think it will make dealing with the surgery and the weeks post-op easier to manage.  Then who knows?  I have my eye on a couples places I'd like to work.  We are very fortunate that we can afford for me to not work.  God has blessed us with my husband's job.  Side Note:  My reasons for quitting had nothing to do with surgery, or I would have worked all the way up until that time.

I came home and checked on Umi, she appears to be in good spirits, although still not eating that much.  She has food pretty much 24/7, so when ever she gets a hankering for it, it is there.  I waited for the vet to call with the test results... and waited... and waited.  Finally, she called at 8 PM.  No presence of nucleated red blood cells after all.  She does have a type of white blood cell present that indicates general inflammation or infection.  So she prescribed an antibiotic, and an anti-diarrhea medication as well as some more of the recovery food.  It seems to be the only thing Umi will consider eating right now.  Monday night, Umi had had explosive issues from both ends, but all has been calm since then.  She said if there was any more vomiting to let her know and she will prescribe an anti nausea medication as well. An hour or so after talking to the vet, Umi had a almost normal consistency bowel movement

This morning, Umi actually woke us up trying to get into the dog food bag!  She had eaten all her food in the night and was finally hungry.  She didn't eat a lot, but after hardly eating for so many days, I imagine there is not a lot of room in her stomach right now.  I will continue providing small amounts of food at regular intervals to make sure she doesn't gorge, but has plenty to eat.

Last night, I also had an epiphany as to why Umi might be sick.  With winter being here, we are tracking plenty of rock salt into the house.  I try to sweep it up often, but apparently not often enough, because about a week and a half ago, I caught Umi chewing on a piece.  I, of course, googled cats eating rock salt immediately upon this revelation.  I found that it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other things too.  If the salt toxicity is bad enough, it can kill the animal.  I hadn't seen her eat any since the first time, but if she has been eating the rock salt, no wonder she is sick.  I am going to give the vet an update on all this when I go to pick up the meds.

During the wait for the phone call, I fixed us a delicious dinner of chicken vegetable stir-fry and served it over brown rice.  My husband said he really liked it.  After dinner, we played a round of Munchkin Legends.  I won this time.  We have the add-on packs of Princesses and The Guild mixed in.  We love getting together with our friends and playing this too.

I'm not sure what time we went to bed, but I dreamed about multiple tornadoes and destruction.  The family was all there as well as an extraordinary amount of kittens.  I wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me with that?  This isn't the first time I've dreamed of tornadoes or kittens, but it is the first time they were together and with my family.

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