Monday, January 19, 2015

Post-Groupon or not

First, I did end up making an appointment for Umi with the Vet.  I was doubly glad I had done so when I found both puke and poop in the room we keep the cat carrier in.  The room has been closed up for the past 3 days, so it was quite chilly in there.  And very smelly.  She must have done it right before we closed the room up, because I know I was in there earlier that day and there was no mess then.  She is not one to normally make a mess outside of the litter box, so it just reconfirms to me that she needs to go.  The appointment is in about an hour.

This past weekend we attempted to use up the remaining two groupons, but only managed to use one of them.  I just didn't feel like going on Sunday.  So instead, we had a very healthy dinner of tilapia, broccoli with cheese, and a baked potato.  Unfortunately, this means that this next weekend we will be splurging yet again.

All my goals didn't survive the weekend, which is as I expected really.

Eat protein-rich food at each meal - Check!

Take a Multivitamin daily - Check!

Eat Slowly and stop when I feel full -  no

Take small bites and chew well - no

Avoid Mindless/Emotional eating - Check!

Weight this morning:  356.3 lbs, so back up to only 4.7 lbs lost since 01/08/2015

Edit:  Back from the Vet, Umi definitely is under weight, she weighs 7.8 lbs, at her highest it was 16.3 lbs.  Her eyes are sunken, indicating the fat behind them is gone.  She is a bit dehydrated.  Blood-work found glucose and thyroid to be normal, but there was the suspected presence of nucleated red blood cells.  They are sending her blood to an outside lab to confirm and get a number if they are present.  Vet told me that a small number could just be stress related, squeezed out of her spleen, but a large number would definitely indicate something due to bone marrow such as leukemia or lymphoma.  I won't know until tomorrow afternoon some time.

In the meantime, she has been given fluids, B vitamins to stimulate her appetite, something to stop nausea, and a couple of cans of recovery food.  I'm to let the vet know if she continues to have diarrhea, and if so, she will be given something for that too.

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