Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A more realistic start

So, after struggling the past two day, I've started again.  Besides for it being a little overwhelming, I think that fact that I was so hungry played a big part in my failure.  The goal for eating 3-4 meals and no snacks is a killer!  This time I am only going to focus on 5 of the 11 pre-op goals, but still keep the other 6 pre-op goals in mind.

So for now my goals are:

1.  Eat protein-rich food at each meal.  (No carb-y meals!)

2.  Take a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement daily.  (I should have already been doing this anyway)

3.  Eat meals very very slowly, stopping when I feel full.

4.  Take small bites and chew well. (20-30 times per bite)

5.  Avoid emotional/mindless eating.

I feel like I am also working on the drinking one, by getting in 8 cups of fluid a day, but I am not sipping yet.  I have already exercised 2x this week, so if I can keep that up, the exercise goal won't be too far out of reach either.  I think #3 and #4 above kind of go hand in hand, and if I can accomplish #4, then #3 should be pretty easy.  For example, for lunch I had 4 oz turkey, 2 cheese sticks, and a sugar free pudding.  It took me 43 minutes to eat, I was not full, but stopped eating because it was taking too long.  So I can do this.

I want to have all of these accomplished by my next dietitian appointment in 3 weeks on 2/3/15.  That way I will have two months for the other six goals which I think will be the harder ones.

Weight today: 357.9 - 3 lbs less than at start

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