Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Note to Self: Drink a Protein Shake for Breakfast Tomorrow.

Things are still going well.  Nothing momentous to report about Tuesday other than to say it was the last day of Umi's antibiotic pills.  Her stool has resumed it's normal consistency.  She doesn't have a big appetite yet, but she is eating.

For my meals, I ate a lot of protein, some vegetables, and a small baked potato.  That was definitely an improvement over my veggie-free Monday.

Tuesday Meals:

Brunch: Rotisserie Chicken, 2 thighs, 2 legs with skin removed

Afternoon: Tea

Dinner:  6 oz Steak, Veggie blend of Broccoli, Carrots, Peppers, small Baked Potato with a little butter

Dessert:  SF Orange Jell-o cup

My efforts paid off because this morning I was back down to 353.5 pounds.  That is the lowest so far for a total of 7.5 lbs lost.  I ate an acceptable amount of food today, although I can tell you I feel so hungry right now.  I also have a headache, but whether that is due to the lack of sugar, lack of caffeine, or the weather changing, I couldn't tell you.  But regarding my food choices, I see again, the veggies have disappeared.  Sigh.

Wednesday meals:

Brunch: Egg Beaters, 3 oz Ham, 1 oz Colby Jack 2% Cheese all made into an omelet and an Apple

Two-sies: 2  Mozzarella Cheese Sticks, 1.5 c Milk with SF Vanilla Syrup

Dinner: 1.5 Rotisserie Chicken Breasts

Dinner was eaten on the go because the informational session for my husband's surgery was tonight.  I packed the chicken to go with me when I left the house for my hair appointment.  Then I picked up my Mom, who wanted to learn more about the surgery.  Then I picked up my husband from work, because there would be no sense in us both driving across town to the meeting.  Between picking up my Mom and my husband I scarfed down the chicken.  Did I eat slowly and take small bites?  No.  But I did stay on track food-wise even though we went through a McDonald's drive-thru to pick up dinner for them.  So I am proud of that.

I see a trend towards a late or nonexistent breakfast.  I can't seem to bring myself to eat anything first thing in the morning.  Partly because protein first thing makes me feel unsettled, but also because I don't want to have to cook that early.  I want to sit down and wake up with a mug of tea and a pastry of some sort.  Obviously that is a thing of the past, but my neither stomach nor brain have reconciled themselves to this.  Tomorrow, I will try for a protein shake.  It solves the problem of no cooking, but that much protein may make me feel yurky.  Perhaps I shall try half a scoop of powder.  Eating anything on plan at all has got to be better than going without.

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