Monday, January 19, 2015

Umi Cat

I am worried about Umi, 10.5 year old our cat.  Ironically, I am worried because of weight-loss.  She used to be a heavy cat, 15 pounds on her medium frame.  We worked on that and got her down to a healthy 11 pounds and she stayed around that for several years.  March 2014, we had visitors stay for 3 days, they brought a 2 year old child and a 100 pound dog with them.  Needless to say it stressed her out.  She stopped eating for an entire week and went down to 9 pounds.  Ever since then she has been very finicky about what she will eat.

In the past 3 months or so, we have had to switch food 2 times because although she was happy to eat it at first, she suddenly decided she didn't like it any more and would just not eat.  She has still been losing weight although much slower.  She feels so bone-y, although her coat is still healthy looking.  I decided to weigh her over the weekend and she only weighs 7 pounds. My home scale may not be as accurate as the Vet scale.

In August 2014, we had to put her brother to sleep due to severe worsening of his chronic illness.  I don't want to lose any more of my babies.  I feel like maybe she is depressed because she misses him, I certainly do.  She has never been sick like he was and maybe I am overreacting because we just lost our other cat.  I don't want to take her to the vet and find out nothing is wrong only to have the vet visit itself stress her out to where she won't eat again.

I plan on calling the Vet this morning once they open and asking their opinion.

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