Friday, January 23, 2015


I haven't cut out sugar yet and I am already having cravings big time due to the reduction in what I am eating.  It's ridiculous.  I look in the fridge and see nothing I want to eat, because it is not a sugary food.  The cupboards are slightly better, because their contents are more carby, but still not sugary.  Unless I eat the bag of sugar in there... and I am just not doing that.  I need to buy some stevia this weekend, and a sippy cup.  I want to start working on more of the post-op goals.  I know the more changes I can make now, the better it will be dealing with food afterwards.  I weighed 353.9 this morning.  Current goals are going okay, but a couple times I just started eating my meals and forgot to have small bites.

First thing I did this morning was my Bible study, because I forgot yesterday.  So I did yesterday and today's study.  I did learn something that was like, whoa!  Romans 8:10-11 (New Living Translation)  10. And Christ lives within you, so even though your body will die because of sin, the Spirit gives you life because you have been made right with God. 11. The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.  Earlier this week I learned the Holy Spirit prays for us. (Romans 8:26)  Now, I find that the Holy Spirit enables our souls to go to heaven.  This is because when we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit reside within us.  It is really an amazing thought.  I still need to do my daily reading, probably after lunch.

I worked on a scarf I'm knitting while watching a couple episodes of Fairy Tail on Netflix.  It is an anime about wizards, it is really quite good.  It is only available until 2/12/2015.  I am about half way through, so I think I will make it through the 48 episodes of season 1.  I am enjoying it enough that I am already considering buying it to see more.  We will see.

Then, after cleaning a bit, I was so tired this morning that I took a nap.  That is pretty unusual for me.  I hate feeling like I am wasting the day.  I have never mastered the "power nap" or even the napping most people do, that is like half hour to one hour right?  No, No, I am lucky if I wake up after two hours of sleeping.  Most of my naps are in the 3-4 hour range.  You see why I hate taking them?  I seriously lose a big chunk of my day.

So two hours later when I woke, I fed Umi some more food.  She definitely has her appetite back, still having diarrhea though.  I also played with Wren, our dog, for a bit.  Then I paid some bills.  I enjoy seeing the balances go down.  We finished paying off all of our credit cards in December 2013 with the help of a credit counseling company.  I look forward to seeing our mortgage and other loans being paid off too.  Quitting my job will slow that a little, but we are still moving in the correct direction.

Now, I must go find some lunch.  My stomach is gnawing at me.  I think I will have some tea too so I can get a little bit of sugar.  More later... maybe?  If I remember.

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