Sunday, June 7, 2015

Attitude adjustment

Between this week's church service and something I read online, I've decided to adjust my attitude and stop being so negative however fast or slow my weight loss may be.

Yesterday's sermon was on using your compass to stay on the straight path, taking one step at a time, and fixing your eyes on the end goal.  Obviously they were not talking about weight loss, but rather on having a close relationship with God.  Still, I think it applies to me in weight loss too.  It was just what I needed to hear.

I have my compass, my binder, that will guide my exercise, food choices, vitamins, follow-up appts, etc for the whole next year.  It is up to me to stay faithful to the rules and stay on the path.  I am on the section labeled Day 10-Day 16.  One week, that is all I need to focus on.  What comes next week, well, when I get there I'll deal with it.  My end goal is to be healthier and more active with less pain.  Each day that I stick to the plan, that goal of being healthier and more active is realized bit by bit.

What I read online, was from someone else who had had a gastric bypass and was now a year down the road.  She said she didn't lose anything at all for the first three weeks.  Then it seemed like a struggled to lose every pound for four months.  Finally in month four, she was able to eat enough that her body no longer thought she was starving, and the weight began to fall off.  Maybe that is happening to me?  I don't know.  But I didn't go into this process with the sole purpose of losing weight.

I've already had accomplishments besides weight loss.  Everyday since day 4 post-op, I've been walking a mile just for exercise.  Today, I upped it to 1.5 miles.  In addition to that, I am using my Vivofit to track my total daily steps.  So including the exercising, I am making sure I get no less than 5,000 steps in a day.  Day 4, I put in 5,508 steps.  The Vivofit's step goal keeps creeping up, so I am aiming for 7,000 steps a day now.  That is amazing compared to what my activity level was even 2 months ago.

I've resisted a myriad of foods that I shouldn't or literally cannot eat.  Do they look great?  Of course!  Do I want them?  Yes!  Could I still eat some of them?  Sure I could, but I won't!  I didn't go through an expensive and painful procedure to sabotage myself now.

As of today, I've lost 5 pounds.  I want it to be more.  But it will come with time.  You cannot eat low amounts of healthy food and exercise daily, and still not lose weight.  So, I will get there.

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