Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Unusual Infection, Zoo fun, and more!

Yesterday, was my follow-up appointment for my infected incision.  It appears to be doing well.  It isn't quite healed up yet so I am on a swimming restriction.  The infection appears to be gone now though.  He said it was unusual, but the culture they took of the pus came back as a bacteria they usually find in breast abscesses.  He said he had never seen that before in an incision infection.   I don't know how that happened either.  I don't have any breast abscesses.

After the appointment, we headed over to the Zoo.  We spent pretty much the entire day there.  I was so hot and worn out!  Yesterday was the first day, since I began tracking my steps, that I broke 10,000 steps in one day.  So, Yay me for that!  Now for some Zoo photos:

I was caught unawares by the sneaky husband here.

Argentine Tegu

Feeding time!

One of my favorite photos I took.

Then, I slept 9.5 hours last night.  I could just not wake up this morning.  When I finally managed it, I didn't let myself slack off.  I got right outside and walked my usual morning 1.5 miles.  I keep thinking I need to go that extra half mile and get up to two miles a day, but I just can't bring myself to do it.  The first half mile is good, the second half mile I tell myself I can't stop yet, by that third half mile I feel like I am going to lay down in the road and I have to argue myself into making it.  So I just don't see how I can add another half mile yet.

On the bright side, I don't know if it is the iron or the sodium, but I seem to be getting my energy back.  After a 45 minute break, I was up cleaning the house, paying bills, making phone calls etc.  I was going to volunteer at Church this afternoon.  However, I got an email telling me that due to an off-site meeting, nobody would be there to let me in.  So I rescheduled for next week.  Later this evening, I am going to babysit my nephews for the first time since I had surgery.  I am really looking forward to it, I've missed the little buggers!

Also regarding volunteering, we got an email on Monday asking us if we wanted to resume our cooking for church.  We are going to give it a shot.  We both really enjoy cooking and it is only one meal once a month.  We are planning on making some meals up ahead a time that will freeze well.  I have so many oodles and oodles of containers of shredded zucchini in the freezer that I know I am going to make something with that.  We are doing a dinner for July and a breakfast for August.  Maybe zucchini muffins?

My husband decided to go back to work today.  If he thinks he can handle it, more power to him.  Maybe he will have enough vacation days late fall this year for us to have a long weekend away somewhere.  That is a whole other kettle of fish!  We won't be small enough to do anything exciting like a roller-coaster park, nor will our bodies be remotely beach ready.  In the past, it galls me to admit, I have planned vacations around food.  Well, we can't do that anymore!  So I don't know what we will do.  But it is months away, so no need to stress yet.

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